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Born in Zalau (Romania) 1981, lives and works in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and Rome (Italy) a

2007 - 2012
Painting - Fine Arts Academy in Rome, Italy
Ceramic Design - University of Art and Design Cluj Napoca, Romania 


Selected Solo Shows


Sphere of points (dialogue with Eugenia Pop), White Cuib Gallery, Cluj Napoca, Romania


On the thin ice of the new day – curated by Martina Lolli, A+Project Space Centrul de Interes Cluj Napoca, Romania

Room 323 – setting up for 100alcubo – Art Hotel Gran Paradiso, Sorrento, Italy
Studio visit – Rome Art Week 2016, Rome, Italy
Federculture Center- Periphery, the 4 winners solo shows, curated by Silvia Rossi and Geraldina Cipolla. MAXXI Corner D (National Museum of XXI Century Arts), Rome, Italy
Ovidiu Leuce – Alfredo Pirri Studio, Rome, Italy
Postcards – StudioBruck Gallery, Sibiu, Romania
S(h)omewhere – wall-collage for the project Migrant Ideas – curated by Rossana di Lella. Luigi Pigorini Museum, Rome, Italy

Selected Group Shows


Nightwatch - curated by Olimpia Bera, National Art Museum of Cluj Napoca and National Art Museum Bistrita Nasaud, Romania

Uguni - curated by Valentins Petjko, Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, Latvia


MICAS Baia Mare, Nod Association, Baia Mare Museum, Romania


Haiku- Poems by Emerging Romanian Artists – curated by Roxana Modreanu, Boccanera Gallery, Trento, Italy

Oltre la soglia – curated by Helia Hamedani, La Nube di Oort, Rome, Italy

Stanze di carta (Paper Rooms) – Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, Rome, Italy


4 Spaces – curated by Andrei Ciurdarescu – Romanian Cultural Institute, Venice, Italy
Una festa dell’arte - artist signs – curated by Anna Nassisi, Scuderie di Palazzo Farnese, Caprarola, Italy
Bâtiment de Livres – curated by Massimo Arduini – Studio Campo Boario, Roma, Italy

L’analfabeto – Espace de la Citerne, Villa Medici French Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy
BOCS “Art residence in Cosenza” curated by Alberto Dambruoso. Cosenza, Italy
Portafortuna – Spazio V.A.R.C.O., L’Aquila, Italy
Venice Edition Center- Periphery – curated by Silvia Rossi and Geraldina Cipolla, Palazzo Flangini Venice, Italy
Our generations La pittura emergente in Italia (The emerging painting in Italy) – curated by Antonio Zimarino and Martina Lolli. MAMeC and San Giovanni Evangelista Church, Penne d’Abruzzo, Italy
Giornata del contemporaneo 2015, Artisti contemporanei nel sud-est di Roma curated by Isabella Vitale – OFF1C1NA 11, Rome, Italy
Spazi Aperti. You are here – curated by Ovidiu Leuce and Andrei Ciurdarescu. Romanian Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy
Local Municipalities – curated by Olimpia Bera. VisualKontakt Gallery, Oradea, Romania
Portafortuna – Spazio Y, Rome, Italy
Flags – curated by Pablo Echaurren and Cristiana Pacchiarotti. MAAM (Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove di Metropoliz), Rome, Italy
Center - Periphery. Federculture – (finalists exhibition) curated by Federculture. Terme di Diocleziano, Rome, Italy
Prof<no Prof – curated by Nedda Bonini. Porta degli Angeli, Ferrara, Italy
Extra-Moenia – curated by Luana Perilli. C.I.A.C. (International Center for Contemporary Art) Castello Colonna Di Genazzano (Roma), Italy
Segno e insegno – curated by Maria Antonella Fusco. National Chalcography Institute for Graphics, Palazzo Poli, Rome, Italy
A.R.I.A. (artist’s magazine) – Wunderkammern Gallery, Rome, Italy
Estate romana – curated by Ruggero Lenci. Gangemi Publishing House, Rome, Italy
Soft Power – curated by Artefatto Project – Revoltella Museum, Trieste, Italy
Libero Libro Essegi – curated by Massimo Arduini. Campo Boario, Fine Arts Academy in Rome, Italy
I.P.C. Cafer Sadik Abalioglu Cultural Foundation – curated by Özge Akçay and Sema Yılmaztürk – Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey
I.P.C. Cafer Sadik Abalioglu Cultural Foundation – curated by Özge Akçay and Sema Yılmaztürk. Sesto Senso Art Gallery, Rome, Italy
Catel Prize – La pittura a Roma dai futuristi ai giorni nostri - curated by Claudio Strinati e Paola di Giammaria – Ex. Gil, Rome, Italy
RifiutArte – curated by Monica Renzi. PostaContemporanea. Ex Convento di San Francesco, Posta (Rieti) Italy
Arte in Volo- Circolo Filologico Milanese, Milan, Italy
Spazi aperti. The vagabond can't draw – curated by Mirela Pribac and Dina Dancu. Romanian Academy in Rome, Italy
Arte e Sport Biennial (A.O.N.I.) - Auditorim Parco della Musica, Rome, Italy
L'Arte nel territorio “Porticato Gaetano” (XXII) – curated by Antonio Lieto - Contemporary Art Pinacotheque Giovanni da Gaeta, Italy
Dia-Logos - Viaggio-Rasegna internazionale d’arte (Journey - International Art Show), Cervara di Roma, Melpignano and Pereto, Italy
Porticato Gaetano (XXI edition) -First Prize Winner- Contemporary Art Pinacotheque Giovanni da Gaeta, Italy
Primaverile A.R.G.A.M. (Roman Association on Modern Art Galleries ) - Venanzo Crocetti Musem, Rome, Italy
Premio Nazionale delle arti AFAM (National Prize of Arts AFAM) – Final selection – Artistic Center “Le ciminiere”, Catania, Italy
Engraving Bienniale – Mac,n, Monsumano Terme, Italy
Collective exhibition Youth Action for Peace Center, Udine, Italy
University of Art and Design Cluj Napoca – Graduate Exhibition – ExpoTransilvania, Cluj Napoca, Romania



• Killer watch list for cool head, Four Cluj based artists to watch - article by Alex Mirutziu in Contemporary Lynks Art magazine, London, U.K., 2019
• Oltre la soglia – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition curated by Helia Hamedani, La Nube di Oort, Rome, Italy, 2017
• Venice Edition Centro Periferia – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at Palazzo Flangini, Venice, curated by Federculture. Rome, Italy, 2015
• Our generations La pittura emergente in Italia – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at Chiesa di San Giovanni Evangelista in Penne, curated by Antonio Zimarino and Martina Lolli. Penne, Italy, 2015
• Spazi Aperti. You are here – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at the Romanian Academy in Rome, curated by Ovidiu Leuce and Andrei Ciurdarescu. Romanian Cultural Institute, 2015
• Center - Periphery. Federculture – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at Terme di Diocleziano, curated by Silvia Rossi. Federculture Rome, Italy, 2014
• Libero Libro Essegi – Catalogue of the homonymous editorial project and exhibition "Recycled artists' books" curated by Nedda Bonini. Edizioni Essegi Ravenna, Italy 2014
• Insight # 3 - regular publication of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. "House Book" article by Massimo Arduini, Rome, december 2013
• Infinitezimal # 2 (cultural magazine) -"Postcards", review by Gabriel Martin for the homonymous exhibition at the StudioBruck Gallery in Sibiu. Bistrita Nasaud, Romania, november 2013
• A.R.I.A.#4 (artist’s magazine) “C’era una volta, una volta sola” – Rome, june 2013
• Estate romana – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at the Gangemi Publishing House. Curated by Ruggero Lenci et al. – Gangemi Publishing House – Rome, Italy, 2013
• Soft Power – Artefatto 2013 – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at the Revoltella Museum. Curated by Susan Petri – Mosetti Tecniche Grafiche, Trieste, Italy, 2013
• Intercultural Painting Camp – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at the Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey and Sesto Senso Gallery in Rome. Curated by Özge Akçay and Sema Yılmaztürk – Cafer Sadık Abalıoğlu Education and Culture Foundation, Denizli, Turkey, 2012
• Dia-Logos. “Viaggio - Rassegna internazionale d’arte” – Catalogue of the homonymous project and exhibitions. Curated by Marco Affaitati and Fabio Carone, Artemide Editori, Rome, Italy, 2012
• Catel Prize “La pittura a Roma dai futuristi ai giorni nostri” – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at Ex. Gil curated by Claudio Strinati – Palombi Editori, Rome, 2012
• RifiutArte - Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at the former Convent of St. Francis in Posta, Rieti. Curated by Monica Renzi - Pro-Loco di Posta, Posta, Italy, 2011
• Arte in Volo – Brochure of the homonymous event at Circolo Filologico Milanese. Curated by Viviana De Luca – Il Volo Grafica & Design, Milan, 2011
• Spazi aperti “The vagabond can't draw” - Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at the Romanian Academy in Rome. Curated by Mirela Pribac and Dina Dancu, – Leberit Litografia, Rome, 2010
• Art and Sport Biennale – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at Auditorium. Curated by Ugo Ristori – Aton Immagine, Rome, 2010
• National Art Prize – Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at the Artistic Center “Le ciminiere” in Catania. Curated by Lucilla Caniglia and Celestina Sgroi for IMTC-ABA Catania-Gangemi Editore, Rome, 2009
• XXI Porticato Gaetano - Catalogue of the homonymous exhibition at the Contemporary Art Pinacotheque Giovanni da Gaeta. Curated by Antonio Lieto. Artistic&Publishing Company, Formia, Italy, 2009

2019, Sphere of points, White Cuib Gallery, Cluj Napoca, Romania 
2018, M.I.C.A.S. Baia Mare, Village Museum, Baia Mare, Romania
2015, Spazi Aperti. You are here – Romanian Academy in Rome, Italy (with Andrei Ciurdarescu)


Art Residency

2019, Mark Rothko Art Centre and Latvian Centre for Contemporary Ceramics, Daugavpils, Latvia

2018, M.I.C.A.S. Maramures International Ceramic Art Symposyum, Baia Mare, organized by the Nod Association and Faimar Factory, Baia Mare, Romania
2015, BOCS“Art residence in Cosenza” organized by the Province of Cosenza and the Cultural Association “Martedì critici”, Cosenza, Italy
2013, “Studi d’Armonia” with Alfredo Pirri at Centro Visita Cupone in the Sila National Park, Italy
2012, “I. P. C.” C.s.a. Vakfi (C. Sadık Abalıoğlu Education and Culture Foundation), Denizli, Turkey



2018, "Convivencias Ceramicas III" - invited artist and workshop coordinator for the realization of a public-ceramic mural, Museo Azulejo, Onda (Valencia), Spain

2014, “L’alfabeto“ held by Alfredo Pirri and Bernhard Rüdiger in collaboration with ENSBA Lyon and Fondazione per l’arte ONLUS, Rome. Villa Medici French Academy in Rome

“Letterpress workshop” held by Massimo Arduini and Ovidiu Leuce with Betterpress for Graphic Art students at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. Betterpress Laboratory – Rome

2013, Workshop at the Cornell University in Rome held by Luana Perrili, Cornell University, Rome, Italy

2012, “Projecting a sky” held by Alessandro Sarra – Nomas Foundation, Rome, Italy

2011, LiberoLibroEssegi Bookbinding held by Massimo Arduini and Nedda Bonini at the Fine Arts Academy in Rome, Italy

2008, Engraving workshop held by Massimo Arduini – Art Forum Würth Capena, Italy

2000, “The garden” Ceramic workshop held by Eugenia Pop – Waldorf School, Turda, Romania

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